
You guys make such amazingly durable and useful products, thank you!
— Canada

Your wonderful handpicks were so much appreciated by the ladies on my dig in Iraq last year...
— France

I was on excavations in Jordan, where I borrowed one of your patiches from a friend and absolutely loved it...
— Greece

The new patiche will make a wonderful gift for my son, who is an archaeologist here...
— Israel

I have worked on a few digs in the Middle East and everyone I met who digs very much highly recommended your patiche. They won’t dig with anything else.
— Undisclosed Overseas Location

As you know, everyone loves these picks and when volunteers and visitors in-the-know visit the dig site, they are seriously impressed.
— Tucson, AZ, USA

I can’t wait to start digging with my new patiche. I’ve been borrowing friends’ and decided I should go ahead and get my own.
— Santa Rosa, CA, USA

You’ll be happy to hear that if this past summer is any indication, your patiches are now the mark of experienced archaeologists. Every single staff member and experienced digger at Kabri had one, and they were held by staff at many other sites, too. You’ve successfully conquered Israeli archaeology! A friend of mine (recipient of my first gift patiche) is slowly converting people on digs in Cyprus as well. Thank you for giving me a means of recognizing talent and greatness in friends of mine as well as for creating a tool that has made my job and that of countless other archaeologists so much easier!
— Greenwich, CT, USA